1 系统框架
2 小程序项目
2.1 程序创建
在根目录的全局配置文件app.json中增加:"pages/contact/contact" ,会自动创建相关页面文件,结构如下:
2.2 小程序录音功能实现
采用微信提供的录音管理器 recorderManager实现录音,录音格式aac。需要注意的是,电脑上的微信开发工具和手机上录音结果文件是不一致的, format设置为 'aac',电脑端的录音是aac格式,手机端录音是m4a格式。由于百度语音识别极速版目前支持微信小程序录音m4a格式,所以上传语音文件时不用转格式,方便许多!
// 获取全局唯一的录音管理器 recorderManager const recorderManager = wx.getRecorderManager(); // 录音时需要的参数, format设置为aac const voiceOptions = { duration: 60000, sampleRate: 16000, numberOfChannels: 1, encodeBitRate: 48000, format: 'aac', frameSize: 50 } // 按钮按下 touchdown: function () { // 开始录音 recorderManager.start(voiceOptions); this.setData({ isSpeaking: true, }) that.speaking.call(); console.log("[Console log]:Touch down!Start recording!"); }, // 停止录音,会触发onStop事件 touchup: function () { recorderManager.stop(voiceOptions) console.log("[Console log]:Touch up!Stop recording!"); this.setData({ isSpeaking: false, speakerUrl: '/res/image/speaker.png', }) clearInterval(that.speakerInterval);//定时器停止 }, // 添加录音停止触发事件,这段代码可以放到onLoad()里,页面加载的时候就添加上 recorderManager.onStop((res) => { const { tempFilePath, fileSize } = res //录音完成调用语音识别API this.sendAsrRequest(res.tempFilePath, res.fileSize); });
2.3 小程序语音播放功能实现
//微信语音播放, play: function (e) { const innerAudioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext() innerAudioContext.autoplay = true innerAudioContext.src = filePath innerAudioContext.onPlay(() => { console.log('开始播放') }) innerAudioContext.onError((res) => { console.log(res.errMsg) console.log(res.errCode) }) },
3 调用语音识别极速版API
3.1 首先要在控制台创建应用,调用语音识别极速版API,“获取API Key/Secret Key”。
请求URL: https://vop.baidu.com/pro_api
3.2 语音识别功能实现
//发送语音识别请求,传入语音文件路径及长度,len为录音结束返回的字节长度:res.fileSize。 ASRRequest: function (tempFilePath,len,arg) { // corpus是要发送的对话;arg是回调方法 var that = this; // appkey var appkey = that.globalData.NLPAppkey; // appsecret var appSecret = that.globalData.NLPAppSecret; var api = "nli"; var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); var voice0 = fs.readFileSync(tempFilePath, "base64"); console.log("[Console log]voice:" + voice0); console.log("[Console log]len:" + len); var rqJson = { 'dev_pid': 80001, 'format': 'm4a', 'rate': 16000, 'token': '填入获得的token ', 'cuid': '填入cuid ', 'channel': 1, 'len': len, 'speech': voice0 }; var rq = JSON.stringify(rqJson); console.log(rq); var ASRUrl = that.globalData.ASRUrl; // cusid是用来实现上下文的,可以自己随意定义内容,要够长够随机 var cusid = that.globalData.NLPCusid; console.log("[Console log]:ASRRequest(),URL:" + ASRUrl); wx.request({ url: ASRUrl, data: rq, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, method: 'POST', success: function (res) { var resData = res.data; console.log("[Console log]:ASTRequest() success..."); console.log("[Console log]:Result:" + resData); var nli = JSON.stringify(resData); // 回调函数,解析数据 typeof arg.success == "function" && arg.success(nli); },fail: function (res) { console.log("[Console log]:ASRRequest() failed..."); console.error("[Console log]:Error Message:" + res.errMsg); typeof arg.fail == "function" && arg.fail(); }, complete: function () { console.log("[Console log]:ASRRequest() complete..."); typeof arg.complete == "function" && arg.complete(); } }) },
4 调用UNIT接口,获得回答
4.1 首先要在控制台创建应用,调用UNIT接口,“获取API Key/Secret Key”。
请求URL: https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/unit/bot/chat
4.2 程序实现
NLIRequest: function (corpus, arg) { // corpus是要发送的对话;arg是回调方法 var that = this; // appkey var appkey = that.globalData.NLPAppkey; // appsecret var appSecret = that.globalData.NLPAppSecret; var api = "nli"; var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); var rqJson = { "bot_session": "", "log_id": "7758521", "request": { "bernard_level": 0, "client_session": "{"client_results":"", "candidate_options":[]}", "query": corpus, "query_info": { "asr_candidates": [], "source": "KEYBOARD", "type": "TEXT" }, "updates": "", "user_id": "88888" }, "bot_id": "64053", "version": "2.0" }; var rq = JSON.stringify(rqJson); var nliUrl = that.globalData.NLPUrl; // cusid是用来实现上下文的,可以自己随意定义内容,要够长够随机 var cusid = that.globalData.NLPCusid; console.log("[Console log]:NLIRequest(),URL:" + nliUrl); wx.request({ url: nliUrl, data: rq, header: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, method: 'POST', success: function (res) { console.log("[Console log]:res:"+ res); var resData = res.data; console.log("[Console log]:NLIRequest() success..."); console.log("[Console log]:Result:"); console.log("[Console log]:resdata:"+resData); var nli = JSON.stringify(resData); console.log("[Console log]:nli:" + nli); // 回调函数,解析数据 typeof arg.success == "function" && arg.success(nli); }, fail: function (res) { console.log("[Console log]:NLIRequest() failed..."); console.error("[Console log]:Error Message:" + res.errMsg); typeof arg.fail == "function" && arg.fail(); }, complete: function () { console.log("[Console log]:NLIRequest() complete..."); typeof arg.complete == "function" && arg.complete(); } }) },
5 调用语音合成API
5.1 首先要在控制台创建应用,调用语音合成API,“获取API Key/Secret Key”。
请求URL: https://tsn.baidu.com/text2audio
5.2 程序实现
// 语音合成 tts: function (e) { console.log("[Console log]tts:" + e); var tex = encodeURI(e);//转换编码url_encode UTF8编码 var tok = "填入获得的token"; var cuid = app.globalData.NLPCusid; var ctp = 1; var lan = "zh"; // zh表示中文 // 字符编码 var spd = 5; // 表示朗读的语速,9代表最快,1是最慢(撩妹请用2,绕口令请用9) var url = "https://tsn.baidu.com/text2audio?tex=" + tex + "&lan=" + lan + "&cuid=" + cuid + "&ctp=" + ctp + "&tok=" + tok + "&spd=" + spd wx.downloadFile({ url: url, success: function (res) { console.log(res) filePath = res.tempFilePath; // 只要服务器有响应数据,就会把响应内容写入文件并进入 success 回调 if (res.statusCode === 200) { //小程序自身录音,用playVoice播放不了,要用innerAudioContext var filepath = res.tempFilePath; console.log(filepath); const innerAudioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext(); innerAudioContext.src = filepath; innerAudioContext.onPlay(() => { console.log('开始播放') }); innerAudioContext.onError((res) => { console.log(res.errMsg) console.log(res.errCode) }); innerAudioContext.play(); } } }) }, 作者:wangwei8638