什么是Email Outreach?
Email outreach means emailing people who can help you reach goals such as, but not limited to:
Growing traffic to your website 增加网站流量
link building 外链建设
Guest posting 客座博客
Getting product reviews 获得产品review
Promoting your content or business 推广你的内容和商业
Getting more sales, subscriptions, or conversions 获得更多的销售、订阅、转化
Etc. 等等
我基本上每天都要写Outreach email,主要是发给行业博主,Youtube KOL,行业牛人等。大部分还是有回复的,最终的合作能否达成还得看内容质量、Money、关系是否铁…(和国内一样)
一. 客座博客邮件Outreach推广模板 (Guest Post)
Guest post虽然没有SEO反向链接那么强大,但是你做得好,它会为你的网站带来大量的潜在用户!
你可以尝试用这样的Guest Post模板,成功率会大很多!
Subject: “Really appreciate this post” or “Care for free content?” Hey, [their name]! I’m a huge fan of [their blog]. I just wanted to reach out because I’ve really been enjoying your writing. In fact, I accomplished [something cool] from reading your blog post: [link to their blog post]. I know you’re busy, so I won’t waste your time. I’m reaching out because I had some ideas I think the [their blog name] audience would positively love, and I was wondering if you’d be open to a guest blog post. Here are the titles: [Title 1] [Title 2] [Title 3] To give you an idea of my writing style, here are two of my best posts: [Your post with the most shares][Your best-written post] Thanks for your time and consideration! I can’t wait to hear back from you. Cheers, [Your name]
二. 利用别人网站死链做外链
这是国外网站站长非常常用的一种做高质量外链的策略,国外叫做broken link building。
先用broken link check类的工具扫一下找到他网站的broken link, 然后告诉他,它的网站有死链,我有更好的链接替换。这样尝试获得高质量外链。
所以你需要制作两个邮件,不要一次告诉他哪里有死链,你的替换链接是什么。可以尝试这样的死链获得外链的Outreach Email模板:
第一封,询问对方是否有意愿看你的broken link list,吸引他回复。
Hey, [their name], I was digging around for information on [topic] today and came across your post: [link to their post] This is great! Lots of good advice. I even [implemented something, learned something] However, I did find some broken links there. Let me know if you’d like me to send you the list I made.”
第二封,发送broke links + replacement urls.
No problem! Here are the broken links I found: [Broken link URL] + [Replacement URL] BTW, I just wrote a post about [topic]: [post URL] I thought it would be a great addition to the page. Either way, hope this helps and keep up the great work! Cheers, [Your Name]
三. 资源列表页外链的Email Outreach
例如:Colostate.edu 权重80多,而且还是edu资源。我就通过下面这个outreach模板搞到了一个外链。
Email Outreach 模板:
Hey, [their name]! I was digging around for information on [topic] today and came across your resource page: [link to resource page] This is a fantastic list of resources. I didn’t even know about some of them. If you’re interested, I actually just wrote a guide on [topic]: [your URL] It might make a great addition to your page. Either way, keep up the great work! Thanks for your time. Cheers, [Your Name]
四. 利用“Guestographic”获取外链的Email Outreach
SEO大神Brian Dean创作了Guestographic这个词,他在“How to get backlinks”一文中提到了这个词,意思就是infographics +guest posting,Guest Post信息图的方式创造外链。
一旦你做了一个高质量的信息图(使用信息图工具),你就可以找几个相关的细分网站,给他们发Outreach邮件,看看他们能否guest post你精心制作的信息图。
Hey, [their name], I was on the hunt for information on [topic] this morning when I came across [their URL]. I really like that you [talked about something important, emphasized something, explained something]. I actually just put together an infographic on [topic]. As someone who writes about [topic] quite a bit, I thought you might get a kick out of it. Let me know if you want to check it out. Cheers, [your name]
五. 在你的网站上线前宣传网站
找到行业的KOL(用KOL查找工具),博客大V,你就可以通过Email Outreach来建立联系看他是否能帮助我们提前做好网站宣传。
Email 模板:(Brain Dean经常这样做!)
Hey, [their name], I just wanted to say, I’m a huge fan of your work. I especially loved [link to one of their recent posts]. Great stuff! [Insert key takeaway or funny comment] I’m actually publishing a post on [topic] next week. Being a master at [topic], I thought you might enjoy it. Would you mind if I sent you the link when it goes live to get your feedback? Thanks for your time, [your name]
Hi [their name], I just wanted to let you know that the post I talked about last week is live. [URL] I’d really love to get your feedback. Would you mind leaving a comment on the post? Thanks!
六. 文章上线后宣传。
我的邮件里每天都有几十封邮件,除了工作/客户/合作等邮件。最多的邮件就是email outreach 关于我是否对他们的产品感兴趣。如果我真的是他们的潜在客户,我觉得我会看。但有些人真的是乱发,看标题我就直接扔垃圾箱了。我觉得文章类的Outreach好做一些,产品类的功利性太大,和你不熟的人,很难有成交的那一步。
Hey, [their name], I noticed you’re really interested in [topic]. I’d even wager to say you’re something of an [industry] expert. I was wondering if you’d mind taking a look at a post I just published about [topic]: [URL] Could you please give me a little feedback on the post? I’d really appreciate you leaving a comment. Either way, keep up the great work! Cheers,
七. 感谢那些公开喜欢或不喜欢你产品的KOL
你的email 可以是这样的:
八. 获取真实的调查数据
Hey, [their name], I’m reaching out because I noticed [something related, like their interest in your topic]. It seems like you really know your stuff. In fact, I’d really love to get your input on [topic]. I put together a survey in order to [reason]. Could you please spare a couple of minutes to take the survey so I can get your insight? [URL] Either way, thanks for your time. Cheers, [your name]
九. 获取评论/反馈
Hey, [their name], Thanks again for ordering [product] from [your site]! You helped us [accomplish a goal, like hitting an income level or selling X product]. Would you mind helping us accomplish one more goal? We’re trying to [get X product reviews, get into the hands of X people, etc.]. To do that, we need you to leave a product review on your recent purchase. It only takes 30 seconds. You can leave a review here: [URL] Thank you – your review means a lot to us. (Optional) As an added bonus we’ll give you [discount/freebie] for reviewing. Cheers, [your name]
十. 温暖你的销售线索
国外营销圈里有个词:Cold Email, 冰冷的邮件?继而有了Cold email marketing…这是什么鬼?
Cold email是你发邮件给还没有任何关系的潜在用户,相当于第一次和潜在用户用email交流就是Cold email。Cold email是很难成交的,因为中间缺少了了解和信任,你需要做的就是利他思维。你可以尝试这样的操作温暖你的销售线索。
首先关注这个人的linkedin,Facebook, twitter等社交媒体,你看一下他最近的动态,有什么大事(融资/生孩子/好玩的/有意义的等)发生,由这件大事给他一些关怀的慰问。
Hey, [their name], Congratulations on your recent [round of funding/promotion/accomplishment/etc]. What you’re doing is going to impact [their industry] in a major way. I look forward to seeing how you improve it and what you do next. Cheers, [your name]
十一. Cold Email曲线救国方式
上面也讲了Cold Email很难做,但是我看到了Hubspot处理的一个方式非常不错。
Hey, [their name]! Your website’s design is amazing! The visuals really enhance your message and the content compels action. I’ve forwarded it to a few of my contacts who I think could benefit from your services. When I was looking at your site, though, I noticed a mistake made re: search engine optimization. It’s a relatively simple fix. Would you like me to write it up so that you can share it with your web team? If this is a priority, I can also get on a call. Regards, [Your name]
十二. 帮助潜在消费者卖掉他们的产品
Hey, [their name], I hope you’re doing well. I see you’ve [published a post, done something interesting]. Great stuff! I was doing some research this morning and noticed you [have a need for our product/aren’t doing X/could benefit from Y]. I actually sell [product or service] that can help you with that. (Optional) Can you point me in the direction of [sales department/person who handles purchasing]? I promise to be brief and helpful. Either way, keep up the great work! And let me know if there’s anything I can do to [help you with goal]. Cheers, [your name]
例如我的一个智能家居得潜在客户,他得某个芯片是市场上性价比不高的,你觉得你的芯片能够代替了他的这个芯片,他的产品性价比会提升很多,对他的销售会非常有利。这种情况就适合这种outreach emailing.
十三. 必须通过电话沟通的情况
还是11里面的那种情况,但是如果一定需要电话沟通才能沟通清楚,怎么写outreach email?
Hey, [their name], I hope you’re doing well. I see you’ve [published a post, done something interesting]. Great stuff! I was doing some research this morning and noticed you [have a need for our product/aren’t doing X/could benefit from Y]. My company actually works with people like you to help them achieve [goal]. Would you be interested in a brief call to see if we can help you grow your business? I promise to take up no more than 15 minutes. Let me know if you’re available at: [Date & Time] [Date & Time] [Date & Time] Either way, keep up the great work. Cheers,
十四. 电话打完之后的邮件跟进
Hi [their name], It was great chatting with you earlier today and learning more about how you [role] at [company]. I understand the issues you’re facing with [challenges discussed in conversation] and how they make it harder to [do X discussed in call]. As discussed, I’ve attached more information about our resources and how we can help you [achieve a goal] and solve [business problem]. Let me know if you have any additional questions and I’d be more than happy to chat again or follow up with an email. If not, I look forward to talking again on [date and time]. Cheers, [your name]
有人说PR Email Outreach还没写,哈哈见我下一篇文章专门讲PR EMAIL outreach!
这些模板都非常有用,希望做email outreach的都用起来,但是希望能活学活用,根据自己的特殊情况擅用。