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Echarts大屏数据可视化集合数据可视化集合案例源码 .zip

   日期:2025-01-01     作者:lric2    caijiyuan   评论:0    移动:https://sicmodule.kub2b.com/mobile/news/14234.html
核心提示:(function (global, factory) {typeof exports === 'object'typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :typeof define
(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (factory((global.echarts = {}))); }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; // (1) The code `if (__DEV__) ...` can be removed by build tool. // (2) If intend to use `__DEV__`, this module should be imported. Use a global // variable `__DEV__` may cause that miss the declaration (see #6535), or the // declaration is behind of the using position (for example in `Model.extent`, // And tools like rollup can not analysis the dependency if not import). var dev; // In browser if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { dev = window.__DEV__; } // In node else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { dev = global.__DEV__; } if (typeof dev === 'undefined') { dev = true; } var __DEV__ = dev; var idStart = 0x0907; var guid = function () { return idStart++; }; var env = {}; if (typeof wx === 'object' && typeof wx.getSystemInfoSync === 'function') { // In Weixin Application env = { browser: {}, os: {}, node: false, wxa: true, // Weixin Application canvasSupported: true, svgSupported: false, touchEventsSupported: true, domSupported: false }; } else if (typeof document === 'undefined' && typeof self !== 'undefined') { // In worker env = { browser: {}, os: {}, node: false, worker: true, canvasSupported: true, domSupported: false }; } else if (typeof navigator === 'undefined') { // In node env = { browser: {}, os: {}, node: true, worker: false, // Assume canvas is supported canvasSupported: true, svgSupported: true, domSupported: false }; } else { env = detect(navigator.userAgent); } var env$1 = env; // Zepto.js // (c) 2010-2013 Thomas Fuchs // Zepto.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license. function detect(ua) { var os = {}; var browser = {}; // var webkit = ua.match(/Web[kK]it[/]{0,1}([d.]+)/); // var android = ua.match(/(Android);?[s/]+([d.]+)?/); // var ipad = ua.match(/(iPad).*OSs([d_]+)/); // var ipod = ua.match(/(iPod)(.*OSs([d_]+))?/); // var iphone = !ipad && ua.match(/(iPhonesOS)s([d_]+)/); // var webos = ua.match(/(webOS|hpwOS)[s/]([d.]+)/); // var touchpad = webos && ua.match(/TouchPad/); // var kindle = ua.match(/Kindle/([d.]+)/); // var silk = ua.match(/Silk/([d._]+)/); // var blackberry = ua.match(/(BlackBerry).*Version/([d.]+)/); // var bb10 = ua.match(/(BB10).*Version/([d.]+)/); // var rimtabletos = ua.match(/(RIMsTabletsOS)s([d.]+)/); // var playbook = ua.match(/PlayBook/); // var chrome = ua.match(/Chrome/([d.]+)/) || ua.match(/CriOS/([d.]+)/); var firefox = ua.match(/Firefox/([d.]+)/); // var safari = webkit && ua.match(/Mobile//) && !chrome; // var webview = ua.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)/) && !chrome; var ie = ua.match(/MSIEs([d.]+)/) // IE 11 Trident/7.0; rv:11.0 || ua.match(/Trident/.+?rv:(([d.]+))/); var edge = ua.match(/Edge/([d.]+)/); // IE 12 and 12+ var weChat = (/micromessenger/i).test(ua); // Todo: clean this up with a better OS/browser seperation: // - discern (more) between multiple browsers on android // - decide if kindle fire in silk mode is android or not // - Firefox on Android doesn't specify the Android version // - possibly devide in os, device and browser hashes // if (browser.webkit = !!webkit) browser.version = webkit[1]; // if (android) os.android = true, os.version = android[2]; // if (iphone && !ipod) os.ios = os.iphone = true, os.version = iphone[2].replace(/_/g, '.'); // if (ipad) os.ios = os.ipad = true, os.version = ipad[2].replace(/_/g, '.'); // if (ipod) os.ios = os.ipod = true, os.version = ipod[3] ? ipod[3].replace(/_/g, '.') : null; // if (webos) os.webos = true, os.version = webos[2]; // if (touchpad) os.touchpad = true; // if (blackberry) os.blackberry = true, os.version = blackberry[2]; // if (bb10) os.bb10 = true, os.version = bb10[2]; // if (rimtabletos) os.rimtabletos = true, os.version = rimtabletos[2]; // if (playbook) browser.playbook = true; // if (kindle) os.kindle = true, os.version = kindle[1]; // if (silk) browser.silk = true, browser.version = silk[1]; // if (!silk && os.android && ua.match(/Kindle Fire/)) browser.silk = true; // if (chrome) browser.chrome = true, browser.version = chrome[1]; if (firefox) { browser.firefox = true; browser.version = firefox[1]; } // if (safari && (ua.match(/Safari/) || !!os.ios)) browser.safari = true; // if (webview) browser.webview = true; if (ie) { browser.ie = true; browser.version = ie[1]; } if (edge) { browser.edge = true; browser.version = edge[1]; } // It is difficult to detect WeChat in Win Phone precisely, because ua can // not be set on win phone. So we do not consider Win Phone. if (weChat) { browser.weChat = true; } // os.tablet = !!(ipad || playbook || (android && !ua.match(/Mobile/)) || // (firefox && ua.match(/Tablet/)) || (ie && !ua.match(/Phone/) && ua.match(/Touch/))); // os.phone = !!(!os.tablet && !os.ipod && (android || iphone || webos || // (chrome && ua.match(/Android/)) || (chrome && ua.match(/CriOS/([d.]+)/)) || // (firefox && ua.match(/Mobile/)) || (ie && ua.match(/Touch/)))); return { browser: browser, os: os, node: false, // 原生canvas支持,改极端点了 // canvasSupported : !(browser.ie && parseFloat(browser.version) < 9) canvasSupported: !!document.createElement('canvas').getContext, svgSupported: typeof SVGRect !== 'undefined', // works on most browsers // IE10/11 does not support touch event, and MS Edge supports them but not by // default, so we dont check navigator.maxTouchPoints for them here. touchEventsSupported: 'ontouchstart' in window && !browser.ie && !browser.edge, // <http://caniuse.com/#search=pointer%20event>. pointerEventsSupported: 'onpointerdown' in window // Firefox supports pointer but not by default, only MS browsers are reliable on pointer // events currently. So we dont use that on other browsers unless tested sufficiently. // Although IE 10 supports pointer event, it use old style and is different from the // standard. So we exclude that. (IE 10 is hardly used on touch device)
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