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   日期:2024-12-18     移动:https://sicmodule.kub2b.com/mobile/quote/7816.html
<?php class TP_yyToken implements ArrayAccess { public $string = ''; public $metadata = array(); function __construct($s, $m = array()) { if ($s instanceof TP_yyToken) { $this->string = $s->string; $this->metadata = $s->metadata; } else { $this->string = (string) $s; if ($m instanceof TP_yyToken) { $this->metadata = $m->metadata; } elseif (is_array($m)) { $this->metadata = $m; } } } function __toString() { return $this->_string; } function offsetExists($offset) { return isset($this->metadata[$offset]); } function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->metadata[$offset]; } function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if ($offset === null) { if (isset($value[0])) { $x = ($value instanceof TP_yyToken) ? $value->metadata: $value; $this->metadata = array_merge($this->metadata, $x); return; } $offset = count($this->metadata); } if ($value === null) { return; } if ($value instanceof TP_yyToken) { if ($value->metadata) { $this->metadata[$offset] = $value->metadata; } } elseif ($value) { $this->metadata[$offset] = $value; } } function offsetUnset($offset)


{ unset($this->metadata[$offset]); } } class TP_yyStackEntry { public $stateno; public $major; public $minor; }; #line 12 "smarty_internal_templateparser.y" class Smarty_Internal_Templateparser#line 79 "smarty_internal_templateparser.php" { #line 14 "smarty_internal_templateparser.y" const Err1 = "Security error: Call to private object member not allowed"; const Err2 = "Security error: Call to dynamic object member not allowed"; const Err3 = "PHP in template not allowed. Use SmartyBC to enable it"; // states whether the parse was successful or not public $successful = true; public $retvalue = 0; private $lex; private $internalError = false; function __construct($lex, $compiler) { $this->lex = $lex; $this->compiler = $compiler; $this->smarty = $this->compiler->smarty; $this->template = $this->compiler->template; $this->compiler->has_variable_string = false; $this->compiler->prefix_code = array(); $this->prefix_number = 0; $this->block_nesting_level = 0; if ($this->security = isset($this->smarty->security_policy)) { $this->php_handling = $this->smarty->security_policy->php_handling; } else { $this->php_handling = $this->smarty->php_handling; } $this->is_xml = false; $this->asp_tags = (ini_get('asp_tags') != '0'); $this->current_buffer = $this->root_buffer = new _smarty_template_buffer($this); } public static function escape_start_tag($tag_text) { $tag = preg_replace('/A<?(.*)z/', '<<?php ?>?1', $tag_text, -1 , $count); //Escape tag return $tag; } public static function escape_end_tag($tag_text) { return '?<?php ?>>'; } public function compileVariable($variable) { if (strpos($variable,'(') == 0) { // not a variable variable $var = trim($variable,'''); $this->compiler->tag_nocache=$this->compiler->tag_nocache|$this->template->getVariable($var, null, true, false)->nocache; $this->template->properties['variables'][$var] = $this->compiler->tag_nocache|$this->compiler->nocache; } // return '(isset($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['. $variable .'])?$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['. $variable .']->value:$_smarty_tpl->getVariable('. $variable .')->value)'; return '$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['. $variable .']->value'; } #line 131 "smarty_internal_templateparser.php" const TP_VERT = 1; const TP_colon = 2; const TP_COMMENT = 3; const TP_PHPSTARTTAG = 4; const TP_PHPENDTAG = 5; const TP_ASPSTARTTAG = 6; const TP_ASPENDTAG = 7; const TP_FAKEPHPSTARTTAG = 8; const TP_XMLTAG = 9; const TP_OTHER = 10; const TP_LINEBREAK = 11; const TP_LITERALSTART = 12; const TP_LITERALEND = 13; const TP_LITERAL = 14; const TP_LDEL = 15; const TP_RDEL = 16; const TP_DOLLAR = 17; const TP_ID = 18; const TP_EQUAL = 19; const TP_PTR = 20; const TP_LDELIF = 21; const TP_LDELFOR = 22; const TP_SEMIcolon = 23; const TP_INCDEC = 24; const TP_TO = 25; const TP_STEP = 26; const TP_LDELFOREACH = 27; const TP_SPACE = 28; const TP_AS = 29; const TP_APTR = 30; const TP_LDELSETFILTER = 31; const TP_SMARTYBLOCKCHILD = 32; const TP_LDELSLASH = 33; const TP_INTEGER = 34; const TP_COMMA = 35; const TP_OPENP = 36; const TP_CLOSEP = 37; const TP_MATH = 38; const TP_UNIMATH = 39; const TP_ANDSYM = 40; const TP_ISIN = 41; const TP_ISDIVBY = 42; const TP_ISNOTDIVBY = 43; const TP_ISEVEN = 44; const TP_ISNOTEVEN = 45; const TP_ISEVENBY = 46; const TP_ISNOTEVENBY = 47; const TP_ISODD = 48; const TP_ISNOTODD = 49; const TP_ISODDBY = 50; const TP_ISNOTODDBY = 51; const TP_INSTANCEOF = 52; const TP_QMARK = 53; const TP_NOT = 54; const TP_TYPECAST = 55; const TP_HEX = 56; const TP_DOT = 57; const TP_SINGLEQUOTESTRING = 58; const TP_DOUBLEcolon = 59; const TP_AT = 60; const TP_HATCH = 61; const TP_OPENB = 62; const TP_CLOSEB = 63; const TP_EQUALS = 64; const TP_NOTEQUALS = 65; const TP_GREATERTHAN = 66;
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