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emby kodi 同步_如何使用MySQL在多个设备上同步您的Kodi库

   日期:2025-01-01     移动:https://sicmodule.kub2b.com/mobile/quote/17865.html

Kodi仍然是周围功能最强大的媒体中心应用程序之一,它可用于从强大的媒体PC到小型Raspberry Pi的所有内容。 但是,如果您家中有多台电视,如果它们都保持同步,那不是很好吗

By default, if you have multiple Kodi machines, they won’t recognize each other. Episodes you watched on one TV won’t show as “watched” on another. Wouldn’t it be nice, though, if your bedroom Kodi box knew what you watched in the living room, and vice-versa? Would it be nice if you could stop watching a movie in the living room, and resume watching right where you left off somewhere else in the house?

默认情况下,如果您有多台Kodi机器,它们将不会彼此识别。 您在一台电视上观看的剧集不会在另一台电视上显示为“观看”。 但是,如果您的卧室Kodi盒子知道您在客厅观看的内容,反之亦然,这不是很好吗? 如果您可以停止在客厅里看电影,然后继续在房子其他地方停下来观看,那会很好吗

Well, it’s possible—it just takes a bit of setup. Here’s how to do it.

好吧,这是可能的,只需要进行一些设置即可。 这是操作方法。

The core of the synchronization magic we’re about to undertake is a MySQL database. Don’t panic if you’ve never used one before! It does require a little technical know-how, but we’re here to guide you every step of the way. If you follow along closely, you shouldn’t have any problems.

我们将要进行的同步魔术的核心是MySQL数据库。 如果您以前从未使用过,请不要惊慌! 它确实需要一些技术知识,但是我们在这里为您提供指导。 如果您密切关注,您应该不会有任何问题。

What we’re going to do is install a free version of MySQL server, then instruct all your Kodi machines to use a database on that server as its library (instead of a separate database on each individual computer). From that point forward, when Kodi checks to see if you’ve seen a specific TV show episode or movie, paused media, or set a bookmark, it won’t just be answering for the specific media center you’re standing in front of, but for all media centers in the house.

我们要做的是安装一个免费版本MySQL服务器,然后指示所有Kodi计算机将该服务器上的数据库用作其库(而不是每台单独计算机上的单独数据库)。 从那时起,当Kodi检查您是否看过特定的电视节目剧集或电影,暂停的媒体或设置书签时,它不仅会回答您所站在的特定媒体中心的问题,但适用于公司内部的所有媒体中心。

For this project, you’ll need the following:


  • More than one media center with Kodi installed (they’ll all need to be the same base version of Kodi—we’ll be using v17 “Krypton” in this guide).

    多个安装了Kodi的媒体中心(它们都必须是相同的Kodi基本版本-本指南中将使用v17“ Krypton”)。

  • A free copy of MySQL Community Server—the Kodi wiki recommends grabbing version 5.5 instead of the newer 5.7, so that’s what we’ll be using for this tutorial.

    MySQL Community Server 的免费副本-Kodi Wiki建议使用5.5版而不是较新的5.7版,因此我们将在本教程中使用它。

  • An always-on or nearly-always-on computer to run the MySQL server on. 始终在线或几乎始终在线的计算机,以在其上运行MySQL服务器。

You can install the MySQL server on any computer that will be consistently on while you’re using the media centers. In our case, we’re going to install MySQL on the same always-on home server that we store our movies and TV shows on—that way, any time the media is available to Kodi, so is the database.

您可以将MySQL服务器安装在使用媒体中心时始终打开的任何计算机上。 就我们而言,我们将在存储电影和电视节目的同一永远在线家庭服务器上安装MySQL,这样,只要媒体可用于Kodi,数据库就可以。

For this tutorial, we’ll be installing MySQL on a media server running Windows 10. Our installation instructions should match for any version of Windows. For other operating systems, please consult the MySQL 5.5 Manual.

对于本教程,我们将在运行Windows 10的媒体服务器上安装MySQL。我们的安装说明应与任何版本的Windows相匹配。 对于其他操作系统,请查阅MySQL 5.5手册 。

The installation of MySQL is straightforward. Simply download the server installation app and run it. Accept the license agreement and the “Typical” installation. When it’s finished, make sure “Launch the MySQL Instance Configuration Wizard” is checked, and click Finish.

单击进入最后一个屏幕,然后按执行以使向导使用您指定的参数设置所有内容。 完成后,继续执行第二步。

Next, it’s time to create a user account on the MySQL server for your media centers. We’ll need a bit of command line work for this. To start, run the MySQL Command Line Client—you should have an entry for it in your Start Menu.



The first portion of the first command creates the user, the second portion creates the password. While identical login/passwords are generally a huge security no-no in this case we’re comfortable using a matching pair for the sake of simplicity. A MySQL database, on a private server, that tracks which episodes of Dexter you’ve watched is hardly a high risk installation.


We have one final task before going to configure Kodi. Make sure that Port 3306 (the MySQL server port) is open on the firewall of the machine you’ve installed MySQL onto. By default, the Windows installer should open the port automatically, but we’ve seen situations in which it didn’t. The easiest way to open the port is with a PowerShell command. Search for PowerShell in your Start menu, then right-click on it and choose “Run as Administrator”.



If the command was successful, as shown below, you should be good to continue.

默认情况下,Kodi使用内部SQLite数据库。 为了使Kodi能够在您的家庭网络中有效地进行通信,我们需要指示它使用外部MySQL数据库。 但是,在执行此步骤之前,您需要做出一个行政决定:您可以备份当前的库并在以后进行还原(有时可能有点麻烦),也可以从新的库开始(很容易,但是需要您重新设置节目的观看状态,如果您不在本地存储艺术品,则可能需要重新选择艺术品。

If you want to back up your current library, you can do so from within Kodi. only do this from one machine—choose the machine with the most up to date libraries. Open Kodi and head to Settings > Media Settings > Export Library. (If you don’t see these options, make sure your menus are set to “Advanced” or “Expert” in Kodi.)


once you’ve backed up the library (or opted to not worry about it and start from scratch), you’re ready to point Kodi to your MySQL server. You’ll need to perform this step on every machine running Kodi, but we recommend setting it up on one machine first—probably the same machine you backed up your library from, if you chose to do so.

一旦备份了库(或选择不担心它并从头开始),就可以将Kodi指向MySQL服务器了。 您需要在每台运行Kodi的计算机上执行此步骤,但是我们建议您首先在一台计算机上进行设置-如果选择这样做,可能是您从其库备份的同一台计算机上。

In order to point Kodi to MySQL, we need to edit Kodi’s advancedsettings.xml file. By default this file does not exist (although it is possible that, during the installation process, Kodi created one for you to deal with specific configuration issues). If the advancedsettings.xml file exists, it will be in the following location, based on your OS:

为了将Kodi指向MySQL,我们需要编辑Kodi的advancedsettings.xml文件。 默认情况下,此文件不存在(尽管在安装过程中Kodi可能为您创建了一个文件来处理特定的配置问题)。 如果存在advancedsettings.xml文件,则文件将位于以下位置,具体取决于您的操作系统

  • Windows: C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingKodi톽ata

    Windows :C: Users [用户名] AppData Roaming Kodi userdata

  • Linux and other Live versions of Kodi: $HOME/.kodi/userdata

    Linux和其他Kodi Live版本 :$ HOME / .kodi / userdata

  • macOS: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Kodi/userdata

    macOS :/ Users / [用户名] / Library / Application Support / Kodi / userdata

Check in that folder. Is there an advancedsettings.xml file there? Yes? Open it up. No? You’ll need to open a text editor and create one. Regardless of whether you’re editing the existing one or create a new one, cut and paste the following text into the file (note: if there are already some entries in your advancedsettings.xml file, leave those in place and put these values within the correct sections):

检入该文件夹。 那里有Advancedsettings.xml文件吗? 是? 打开它。 没有? 您需要打开一个文本编辑器并创建一个。 无论您是编辑现有的还是创建新的,都将以下文本剪切并粘贴到文件中(请注意:如果您的advancedsettings.xml文件中已经有一些条目,请保留这些条目并将其放在正确的部分)

<advancedsettings> <videodatabase> <type>mysql</type> <host></host> <port>3306</port> <user>kodi</user> <pass>kodi</pass> </videodatabase>

<advancedsettings> <videodatabase> <type> mysql </ type> <host> </ host> <port> 3306 </ port> <user> kodi </ user> <pass> kodi </ pass> </视频数据库>

<musicdatabase> <type>mysql</type> <host></host> <port>3306</port> <user>kodi</user> <pass>kodi</pass> </musicdatabase> </advancedsettings>

<musicdatabase> <type> mysql </ type> <host> </ host> <port> 3306 </ port> <user> kodi </ user> <pass> kodi </ pass> </ musicdatabase> < / advancedsettings>

Edit the above text to reflect the IP address of your server on your LAN and the username/password of your MySQL database (in our example, it was just kodi/kodi). This basic setup should get your video and music libraries synced, but you can also sync other portions of Kodi, as well as sync multiple profiles with the name tag if you use them.

准备好您的advancedsettings.xml文件后,请在该计算机上打开Kodi。 您需要导入库(从“设置”>“媒体设置”>“导入库”),或重新扫描源以开始从头开始填充MySQL数据库。 现在就做。

When that’s done and your library is back in place, you can hop over to your MySQL command prompt and check to make sure Kodi created and populated the databases. At the mySQL comment prompt, run:

完成之后,您的库就位了,您可以跳到MySQL命令提示符并检查以确保Kodi创建并填充了数据库。 在mySQL注释提示下,运行


It will output all the databases currently on the MySQL server. You should see, at minimum, at least the following databases: , , and , as these are part of the MySQL installation itself. The default database names for Kodi are and (we’re not using a database for music in our example, so only our video database is appearing in the list).



Empty databases take up hardly any space, and won’t negatively impact the performance of your syncing system, but it’s nice to keep things tidy.


If your databases are there, that’s a good start, but it’s worth performing a simple check to see if Kodi is properly populating the databases. From the MySQL command prompt run the following commands (replacing  with the name of your video database):

如果您的数据库在那里,那是个不错的开始,但是值得进行一次简单的检查,看看Kodi是否正确地填充了数据库。 在MySQL命令提示符下,运行以下命令(将名称替换为视频数据库的名称)


Each query will return the total number of movies and television shows, respectively, contained in your library (according to the the MySQL database). As you can see, in our case, it is recognizing our library with 182 movies and 43 TV shows:

如果条目数为零,则说明该行某处存在问题。 这是常见错误的快速故障排除清单

  • Did you copy the advancedsettings.xml file to your machine before you started Kodi and re-populated your library? 在启动Kodi并重新填充库之前,您是否将advancedsettings.xml文件复制到您的计算机上
  • Did you use the GRANT ALL command to give the Kodi account access to the MySQL server? 您是否使用GRANT ALL命令授予Kodi帐户对MySQL服务器的访问权限
  • Did you open port 3306 on the MySQL host machine’s firewall? 您是否在MySQL主机的防火墙上打开了端口3306
  • Are your sources valid and scannable when you remove the advancedsettings.xml file and revert to the local database? If not, you’ll need to troubleshoot your sources independently of your MySQL problems. 当您删除advancedsettings.xml文件并还原到本地数据库时,您的源有效且可扫描吗? 如果没有,您将需要独立于MySQL问题对源进行故障排除。

If everything looks good and your query pans out, that means you’re ready to start taking advantage of the cross-media-center syncing.


The hard part is over! Now you just need to go to each of your other Kodi machines and place the same text in the advancedsettings.xml file that you did in step four. once you do so (and restart Kodi on that machine), it should immediately grab your library information from the MySQL server (instead of you needing to re-populate the library yourself).

困难的部分结束了! 现在,您只需要转到其他每台Kodi机器,并将与第四步中相同的文本放置在advancedsettings.xml文件中。 一旦这样做(然后在那台机器上重启Kodi),它应该立即从MySQL服务器上获取您的库信息(而不是您需要自己重新填充库)。

On some devices, like Raspberry Pis running LibreELEC, you’ll need to go into the Network settings and make sure “Wait for network before starting Kodi” is turned on for this to work properly.

在某些设备上,例如运行LibreELEC的Raspberry Pi,您需要进入“网络”设置,并确保打开“在启动Kodi之前等待网络”才能正常工作。

In addition, if your videos are on a share that requires a password, and you get an error after setting up your advancedsettings.xml on a new machine, you may have to go to the “Files” view, click “Add Videos”, and access a folder on the share so Kodi prompts you for your credentials. You can then click “Cancel” or add the source as containing “None” type of media.

从那里,尝试在一个盒子上观看视频。 您应该发现完成后,它在其他Kodi设备上也显示为“已观看”! 您甚至可以在一台机器上停止视频,然后只需选择要在另一台机器上播放的视频,即可从上次中断的地方接听。 享受新的全屋图书馆同步

Image Credit: FLIRC Kodi Edition Raspberry Pi Case

图片来源: FLIRC Kodi版Raspberry Pi保护壳

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/75535/how-to-sync-your-media-across-your-entire-house-with-xbmc/

本文地址:https://sicmodule.kub2b.com/quote/17865.html     企库往 https://sicmodule.kub2b.com/ , 查看更多


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