- BPMN用户指南 第一部分 - 中文PDF精编版
- BPMN用户指南 第二部分 - 中文PDF精编版
- BPMN用户指南 第三部分 - 中文PDF精编版
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- 应用程序指南 - Eclipse设计器中文PDF精编版
- 表单用户指南 - 中文PDF精编版
- 事件注册表用户指南 - 中文PDF精编版
1 事件注册表介绍
- 1.1 什么是事件注册表
- 1.2 什么是事件定义
- 1.3 什么是通道定义(Channel definition)
2 配置
- 2.1 创建事件注册表引擎
- 2.2 EventRegistryEngineConfiguration bean
- 2.3 插入流程引擎
- 2.4 数据库配置
- 2.5 JNDI 数据源配置
- 2.6 支持的数据库
- 2.7 创建数据库表
- 2.8 数据库表名解释
- 2.9 数据库升级
- 2.10 部署缓存配置
- 2.11 Logging
3 Flowable 事件注册表API
- 3.1 事件注册表引擎API与服务
- 3.2 异常策略
- 3.3 查询API
- 3.4 单元测试
- 3.5 Web应用中的事件注册表引擎
4 Spring集成
5 部署
- 5.1 事件注册表定义(1,2,3)
- 5.1 事件注册表定义(4,5,6)
- 5.2 事件与通道定义的版本化
请点击:《事件注册表用户指南 - 中文PDF精编版》
During deployment, Flowable will assign a version to the Event and Channel definitions before storing them in the Flowable DB.
For each Event and Channel definition, the following steps are performed to initialize the properties key, version, name and id:
在部署期间,Flowable将为事件和通道定义分配一个版本,然后再将它们存储在Flowable DB中。
- The event or channel key attribute in the definition JSON file is used as the definition key property.
- The name property in the JSON file is used as the definition name property.
- The first time an Event or Channel definition with a particular key is deployed, version 1 is assigned. For all subsequent deployments of Event or Channel definitions with the same key, the version will be set 1 higher than the maximum currently deployed version. The key property is used to distinguish Event and Channel definitions.
- The id property is a unique number to guarantee uniqueness of the Event and Channel definition identifier for the caches in a clustered environment.
- 事件和通道定义JSON文件中的event或channel key属性用作事件和通道定义 key属性。
- JSON文件中的name属性用作事件和通道定义 name属性。
- 首次部署具有特定key的事件或通道定义时,将分配版本1。对于具有相同key的事件或通道定义的所有后续部署,版本将设置为比当前部署的最大版本高1。key属性用于区分事件和通道定义。
- id属性是一个唯一的数字,用于保证集群环境中缓存的事件和通道定义标识符的唯一性。
Take for example the following process:
When deploying this Event definition, it will look like this:
Suppose we now deploy an updated version of the same Event definition, but the key of the Event definition remains the same. The Event definition table will now contain the following entries:
When the eventRegistry.getEventModelByKey(“myEvent”) is called, it will now use the Event definition with version 2, as this is the latest version of the Event definition.
If we create a second decision, as defined below and deploy this to Flowable DMN, a third row will be added to the table.
如果我们创建第二个决策(定义如下)并将其部署到Flowable DMN,那么第三行将被添加到表中。
The table will look like this:
Note how the key for the new Event definition is different from our first Event definition. Even if the name is the same, the Flowable Event Registry only considers the key attribute when distinguishing Event and Channel. The new Event definition is therefore deployed with version 1.